Watch our third webinar, where we are joined by Consynance, who provide an update on their Phase 2 CSTI500 trial. Soleno discusses their burden of disease survey supporting the DCCR trial, while Dr. Evelien Gevers explains what to expect when attending a trial screening. Lastly, Helen from FPWR UK shares updates on current trials in the UK.
Watch our second webinar where we are joined by Harmony Biosciences, Aardvark, Soleno and Arcadia who update us on their clinical trials.
Watch our first webinar, we covered everything you need to know about clinical trials.
"PWS Stronger Together" is a collaboration between The Foundation for Prader-Willi Research UK and The Prader-Willi Association UK. While both organisations maintain independent operations, they join forces for this initiative. For further details, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.